Karriereseite und Stellenangebote – fritz kola GmbH

this is us.

because every study comes to an end, mirco and lorenz asked themselves the big question in 2002: where to go with the sense of life? the answer: where everyone enjoys to be: at their favorite café, the local bar or directly at the beach. a kola was needed – as a cultural good, not as a mass product. no sooner said than done, the recipe was developed – not too sweet, but with plenty of caffeine to take home for the night. plus black-and-white printed faces on beer bottles, with a name as hanseatic and honest as our cosmopolitan home. allow me, fritz: we are independent, owner-managed and from hamburg.


we are the largest fritz team and consist of field sales, key account management, shopper & customer marketing, business development and inside sales, as well as our international expansion team.


we create shopping and brand experiences for all fritz fans and customers. we make sure our products are where you want to find them – in cafes, clubs, restaurants, and everywhere where people gather. you can also find us iced in supermarkets, corner shops, and gas stations. we want to inspire our fans with our sustainable vision as soon as they buy and enjoy our products – because we are only available in glass bottles. that's the way it has to be. in germany and more and more european countries.


in marketing, our team includes brand management, international marketing, events & experiential marketing, digital marketing and corporate communications, pr & sustainability.


we make sure that as many people as possible in europe get to know our fritz range and experience it live. to this end, we develop unique advertising together with our agency partners that can be seen wherever people turn night into day together. at selected festivals and events in europe's hotspots and in digital channels. our team develops new product ideas and organizes sustainable and social projects and sponsorships such as “drink from glass” or “every bottle helps”, which we spread via pr and social channels.


our operations team specializes in purchasing, quality management & product development as well as supply chain.


we plan and control the production of our fritz range at our bottlers, ensuring high and reliable quality. new products are developed and introduced into production here. our purchasing department ensures that there are always enough bottles, fresh juices and promotional materials.



the finance team consists of financial accounting and controlling. together, we make sure that our figures stay nice and black. we see ourselves as business partners who support all other areas by generating insights & foresights and thus ensuring transparent decisions.


our it team takes care of the digitalization of fritz and focuses on cloud products. this allows us to react quickly, implement and make the world black with our fritzees.

people & culture.

we are the people & culture team and consist of a central hr team, our talent factory and office management.


we are the direct contact for all fritzees. we bring new fritzees on board, advise them on further education, training and coaching & supervision, and accompany them in team development processes. we take care of the personnel strategy and keep a particularly close eye on the corporate culture. in this way, we ensure that our fritzees feel completely at home with us, are successful, develop further and, above all, have a lot of fun. with our office management, we also make sure that our fritzees don't miss anything in their day-to-day work at our headquarters and that our visitors also feel at home with us.

more than just platitudes.

why do we fritzees do what we do? we want to wake people up – and not only with our caffeinated kolas, but also with our social attitude.


what do we do at fritz? we connect people and cultures around the world with one feeling – our fritz feeling. as a company, we are authentic pioneers and set new standards. as people, we bring different characters together at fritz and offer an environment with room for personal development and growth.


how do we work at fritz? we are non-conformist and sustainable. this is how we inspire people to think and act in new ways.


how our fritzees describe the culture and spirit at our company is best told by them:

i am with fritz because we are familiar and honest.


area sales manager

for me, being a fritzee means being able to combine my profession with my socio-political attitude.


erp lead architect - it

i am with fritz because more than 10 years ago, mirco and lorenz gave me the chance to prove myself in field sales without any sales experience and thus become part of the fritz-kola success story.


area sales manager

at fritz, i was able to turn my two hobbies into a career - and now i not only get to paint the world black with the fritz-ci, but also found and build up the new gaming division at our company. there's no other job like it!


graphic designer & gaming

i'm with fritz because i can make a difference!


area sales manager

i'm with fritz because i'm always allowed to outgrow myself here.


accountant - finance

for me, being a fritzee means taking responsibility and getting involved.


head of corporate communications, pr & sustainability

the best thing about my job is that the range of tasks is always expanding due to the wide variety of projects, i am challenged and it never gets boring.


expert quality management - operations

i am with fritz because i can develop in my job and work freely.


head of talent factory

i'm at fritz because i not only stand behind kola, but also behind the company's values and put them into practice every day.


brand ambassador

for me, being a fritzee means being able to be the most genuine version of myself, without having to pretend to be someone else.


recruiting & employer branding expert

for me, being a fritzee means being creative, crazy and open-minded.


brand ambassador

the best thing about my job is working with all kinds of different, exciting characters.


hr business partner

the best thing about my job is that i designed and built my channel myself and continue to work every day to improve the collaboration with our direct customers.


head of distributor management d-a-ch

what we do to help you wake up with fritz without having to sell your soul for your job.

attention, it's getting romantic now: what would fritz be without our non-conformist fritzees? right: probably some big consumer-driven corporation. but fortunately that's not what fritz is and to make sure it stays that way and fritz can continue to be a wide-awake rebel, we do everything we can to create a working environment for our fritzees that they deserve.

in addition to fair compensation, we offer many other incentives. grab a cold bottleof fritz, pop the cork and get an idea of what we have to offer.


1.000€ babybonus

500€ wedding bonus

fritz-clothes & budget for new clothes

(e-)company car or car allowance

sports bonus

trainings & development with our own talent factory

51 crates of fritz for free per year

corporate benefits

legendary fritz-partys

special leave days for specific events

employee referral programme

individual development.

our own talent factory ensures that all fritzees are supported in their further development. to this end, we have developed an extensive training portfolio. here you can see an excerpt from our portfolio.

onboarding event

all new fritz employees start their time at fritz together with a monthly kick-off. we deliberately take 2 days to communicate our corporate philosophy, our brand core and the organizational structure of fritz.


our own e-learning tool, the wachwelt, is available to every fritzene to continuously refresh existing knowledge and expand it with new modules.

sales trainings

there are many different modular sales-trainings and refresher-trainings for our sales-fritzees to be always up to date.

management trainee program

to challenge and develop our fritzees, we have our own management trainee program, in which we give fritzees the opportunity to be trained as managers.

individual coaching & trainings

the talent factory team offers consulting and support for external training opportunities in addition to the established internal trainings.

basic trainings

depending on the position, one may have different needs. we therefore also offer basic training such as "communication & feedback", "basics project management", "excel" or a negotiation training.


in order to be able to develop further, feedback is indispensable. we have a very open feedback culture at fritz, which we specifically support through standardized and officially conducted feedback surveys.

management trainings

regular training sessions are held for our managers on a variety of topics.

feedback of our fritzees and our applicants.

honest feedback is a gift. that's why we take every single piece of feedback very much to heart – both positive and negative. make up your own mind about fritz – here you can see what our fritzees and applicants say about us. (sorry for mostly having german feedbacks for now, but keep on scrolling, we already received a few first english feedbacks as well)

Sehr gut
Ich fand es super dass die Person im Vordergrund stand und nicht nur das geschriebene im Lebenslauf
Applicant feedback from October 16, 2024
Join w/o doubts.
It’s so much about feeling good and you’ll get time to develop your identity as a fritzee. There’s always something to optimize, but you actually could be part of an optimization. Very much appreciating this company and its people & culture.
Employee feedback from October 12, 2024
Feedback zum Bewerbungsprozess als Area Sales Manager
vielen Dank für den super entspannten und reibungslosen Bewerbungsprozess! Von Anfang an habe ich mich gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Die Kommunikation war immer freundlich, schnell und auf den Punkt – das weiß ich sehr zu schätzen. Besonders cool fand ich, wie strukturiert und gleichzeitig entspannt die Gespräche abliefen. Man hatte das Gefühl, dass wirklich alle am Prozess beteiligt waren und man als Kandidat ernst genommen wird. Alles in allem habe ich den Bewerbungsprozess als sehr angenehm empfunden und freue mich auf das, was kommt!
Applicant feedback from September 28, 2024
Fritz Kola Bewerbungsprozess
Der Bewerbungsprozess war von Anfang an super und das Team war immer nett und hilfsbereit. Besonderer Dank geht an Telly und seine wunderbar nette Art. Auch Natalie und Marcus waren super lieb vor und während des Gesprächs. Einzige worüber man nachdenken kann ist es das 2. Bewerbungsgespräch ebenfalls online zu führen wenn Bewerber von sehr weit wegkommen oder wenigstens eine Übernachtung dementsprechend zu organisieren. Aber dennoch war es vor Ort super schön und es war toll sowohl die Leute persönlich kennen zu lernen als auch das Headquarter zu besuchen. Nicht zu vergessen die Goodies die man am Ende bekommen hat. Ich fand den Prozess super. Da können sich einige Unternehmen eine Scheibe abschneiden.
Applicant feedback from September 27, 2024
Kann nur positiven Feedback geben, alle drei Personen im Bewerbungsgespräch waren sehr transparent und es war eine angenehme Runde. Hab mich wohl gefühlt, danke !
Applicant feedback from September 27, 2024
Schon nach meiner Bewerbung bekam ich sehr schnell einen netten Anruf vom Manager, der mich zwei Tage später zum Videocall eingeladen hat. Dieses Gespräch war sehr freundlich und in einer sehr lockeren Atmosphäre. Ich habe mich schon da sehr wohl gefühlt. Auch danach ging alles sehr schnell. Nachmittags bekam ich eine Einladung in die Wachsamkeitszentrale. Dort herrscht ein sehr angenehmes Klima und auch das Gespräch war sehr nett und professionell. Vielenvielen Dank an alle Beteiligten.
Applicant feedback from September 17, 2024
Durchaus positives wohlfühlendes Gespräch
Man fühlte sich von Anfang an sehr Wohl. Es herrschte eine gute Stimmung. Die beiden waren sehr gut vorbereitet, haben alles sehr toll erklärt. Die Vorgehensweise des Bewerbungsgespräches ist deutlich anders, als bei anderen Firmen, was mir sehr positiv in Erinnerung geblieben ist.
Applicant feedback from September 13, 2024
Sehr angenehmes und tolles Gespräch
sehr angenehmes Gesprächsklima & schnelle Rückmeldung. Super Bewerbungsgespräch auf einer sehr respektvollen und lockeren Atmosphäre! :)
Applicant feedback from September 9, 2024
Alles hat super gepasst
Es gibt keine Verbesserungsvorschläge. Selten so ein harmonisches entspanntes Gespräch gehabt.
Applicant feedback from September 5, 2024
Gutes Gespräch, auf welches man etwas warten musste
Insgesamt war das Gespräch sehr angenehm und professionell. Die Gesprächspartner:innen waren beide sehr freundlich. Die Rückmeldung nach dem Bewerbungseingang hatte mit knapp 2 Monaten sehr lange gedauert, da wäre für die Zukunft eventuell eine kurze Mail gut.
Applicant feedback from September 4, 2024
Samples from 940 reviews

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are there office dogs at fritz?

the most frequently asked question in our job interviews. we have to disappoint all dog lovers – we don't have office dogs at our office in hamburg *boo*. but not because we want to discriminate furry noses, it's more because we want every fritzee to feel completely comfortable at the office. our open, agile office concept means that people who feel uncomfortable in the presence of dogs can't completely avoid them. and let's be honest: fear of unwanted encounters in the office corridors is more of a corporate thing anyway, isn't it?

how do i apply?

online, online and online again. welcome to the digital age. paper applications are so outdated and, by the way, not sustainable at all. and the good thing is: you can check the status of your application at any time via our application tool. cheers to digitalization.

what documents should my application contain?

via our online application form, we will ask you a few questions that are important to us. please make sure that you answer all of them, because then you can do without a cover letter.


if you then upload your cv and add relevant references, our black recruiting heart will beat faster. because this way we have all the info we need.

how long does it take to get a response?

we are a really cool bunch of people. understandably, many of you want to join us. behind every application there is another great person. that's why we like to take the time to read every application carefully. this means: it can sometimes take a little longer until we can give you feedback on your application. usually it shouldn't take more than 2 weeks until we get back to you. if it does take a little longer, bear with us. we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


head of people & culture base


hr business partner


recruiting expert


recruiting & hr generalist